The journey to self-discovery begins by taking one step!

The way Bilbo left the Shire and ran off into the wilderness is exactly what I intend to do.

I dream to escape my current situation and return as a new man.

What situation you ask?

Well, it’s not all doom and gloom. But I feel like the potential of the human being to excel in this life is very much swept under the carpet.

Think about the tools we have in todays world.

The days of the traditional routes to successful careers via universities are now being challenged by those people who dare to be great, alone.

Now we have the online realm

People can learn a whole bunch of great stuff that will make them far more superior than those who aim for ‘stability’ in a standard 9-5.

Superior in what way?

In flexibility, freedom, finance and a whole bunch more.

The internet is full.

Youtube tutorials on how to write the best blogs, how to learn software development, passive income ideas, content creation

So this adventure I intend to embark on is exactly that!

Learning new skills to make myself a better version of myself and improve, even 1%, every single day.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that the only improvement will come from learning new skills.

It could also mean smiling more, reading a little more, being physically active, eating healthy foods and just anything that will carve myself into a better man.

This blog is my venting station, a place where I can record my journey and talk about the obstacles I encounter on the way.

Back soon!


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